Rabu, 26 November 2014

Copy Tricks That article Wearing Anti Copy Paste Scripts

I saw a lot of blogs that install script copy and paste. Maybe they do not want the destination in a copy of their article without permission in other blogs. They put a lot of scripts that do not allow right-click, select, or even disable the view-source their blog. I never felt the difficulty and annoyance when you want to save an image directly with right click save as, open a link to a new tab using right click open new tab. I mumbled a little "Ribet Huhhh Ko script does use anti Copas all, do so can not open a new tab link etc. Kayak cave going to copy and paste the article lu wrote ". But I think maybe they want to protect them from copaser article evil. Then copy and paste the script ampuhkan?

I will explain a little bit of my opinion when visiting a blog that has anti copy and paste the script. If the blog does not allow just right click, I can just select all first, then I copy the shortcut CTRL + C for Windows and Command + C for Mac. If the blog is not mengijinjan select all with the mouse, I see the source code palingan CTRL + U / Command + U (Mozilla Firefox) or use the shortcut CTRL + A for Windows and Command A for Mac. Then when in Paste in Notepad, I took part article: D.

If the shortcut is also in nonaktifin how? I open the source code by adding the view-source: (Mozilla Firefox) before her blog address. For example, view-source: http: //www.nurulimam.com/themes/. If the view-source: also in disabling how? You can use CTRL + SHIFT + K / Commannd + Option + K to open the Default Web Console Mozilla Firefox. If you can not? It could be to keep the blog page CTRL + S / Command + S or can also click on the Edit menu bar and then Save Page As (Mozilla Firefox). If disabled, too? Try searching Tool convert Web / HTML to Doc / PDF. If not it could be? The best solution looking for people around you to manually type in the article in your blog: D.

So I think it was less potent, There are inserts article with CSS content, copy wrote tetep can see cssnya. But could we protect cssnya with php, but the article is not SEO Friendly because it is in the CSS stylesheet is not meaningful text documents like HTML. If you are looking for but do not care how powerful SEO & not want complicated coding, you can post articles only with an image where the image contains your articles as I post a source code in an image in the article Applications Online Calculator.

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